Omega-3 Fatty Acids Play an Important Role on Immune Cell Function

A healthy and balanced diet is crucial for the effective function of every part of the human body, including our immune system. Certain dietary factors have been found to have immune-regulatory properties, such as Vitamin D and Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Often times, eating a well balanced diet (I prefer the Mediterranean Diet) still lacks some essential vitamins, mineral and essential components. Taking a nutritional supplement does not mean that you can eat a poorly balanced diet. Nutritional supplements are designed to “fill the gaps” in a well balanced diet to ensure that our body’s system is functioning at its best.

Omega-3 fatty acids are a part of the “Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid” family, with specific focus on ALA (found in nuts and seeds), EPA and DHA (the main components in fish oil). Byproducts of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids have important immune system functions, which fall under a specific category called “Pro-Resolving Mediators” (SPMs). These SPM’s are effective in reducing the inflammatory response caused by pathogens (including bacteria and viruses) and stress, and to help strengthen our immune system.

Omega-3 Fatty acids also help to strengthen our immune system by their ability to reduce inflammation and inflammation-related disorders. Probably one of the most renowned property of Omega-3 fatty acids is it’s ability to keep inflammation levels down in the body.

Vitamin D’s Role on Immune Health

Vitamin D is another important player in our body’s immune system and defense against disease. Vitamin D can help our body’s immune system recognize pathogens more effectively, thus producing a more accurate and heightened immune response when a pathogen is detected in the body. In addition, Vitamin D plays an important role in the uptake of calcium and bone health.

What Supplements do I Recommend?

For optimal immune support, I trust Metagenics Supplements. Metagenics EPA-DHA 1000 and Vitamin D. These products are available at my office for purchase. For further information, schedule a consultation today by clicking here.

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