Kinesiology Tape

Kinesiology Tape (or KT Tape, Kin Tape) is a specialized type of tape that helps to extend the benefits of treatment beyond the office. It allows you to “wear your therapy” between treatment sessions. It will help you speed up recovery and reduce discomfort. Depending on the condition being treated or assessment findings, the tape can aide in providing structural support to muscles or joints, relieve pain, improve fluid flow, and get muscles activating better. All of these mechanisms can help the body activate its own pain relieving and healing mechanisms. Unlike other athletic tapes, Kinesiology Tape is latex free, 100% acrylic and water-resistant. The tape should stay applied for up to 5 days, or until your next visit.

With extra-curricular training by RockTape Canada, Dr. Saturnino is a Functional Movement Therapist (FMT), which specializes in accurate and effective kinesiology tape application. Through an accurate assessment, your doctor can determine the correct tape application process to either inhibit or activate muscles, support or limit specific joints, or follow the blood and fluid flow pathways to reduce bruising and swelling. For amateur or elite athletes, kinesio tape can be an effective tool to provide better neuromuscular feedback to aide in performance enhancement. Kinesiology Tape can help give the patient a better understanding of their body as it moves. The stretch and feedback given by the tape will send signals to the body to prevent it from moving to a point of injury, to encourage and re-train proper movement patterns and to reduce overall healing time.

What condition(s) is Kinesiology Tape good for?

  • Acute and/or Chronic Pain

  • Rehabilitation after Surgery

  • Poor posture

  • Swelling, Edema and Bruising

  • Muscle and Joint Injuries

  • Improving Athletic Performance

  • Sports Injuries

  • Ankle and Foot pain, including Plantar Fasciitis

  • Tendonitis and Bursitis 

  • Movement Correction and Muscle Patterning 

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