Conditions Deep Tissue Therapy is Proven Effective For
Deep Tissue Therapy
Deep Tissue Therapy (also referred to as Myofascial Release Technique or Active Release Therapy) is a highly successful and effective approach to treating soft tissues. Injured muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and fascia may develop scar tissue as a direct result of injury or from overuse. Treatment involves therapeutic techniques to help break up painful scar tissue and relieve pain.
How Does it Work and Why is it to Effective?
When a soft tissue becomes injured, the body’s response is to trigger inflammation. As a result, the body begins the “Pain-Inflammation-Pain” cycle, causing you to experience pain and less movement. The chemicals released in inflammation can cause the surrounding tissues to stick like glue, and build scar tissue. As a result, this can limit range of motion, increase pressure and pain to the tissue. Our body has no natural ability to break down its own scar tissue without some form of intervention. Furthermore, Mechanical Conditions require Mechanical Therapy, which is why muscular injuries respond well to Deep Tissue Therapy.
Different Types of Deep Tissue Therapy
There are many different forms of this technique available. Each technique will help the body break down scar tissue, restore normal muscle function and relieve pain. Some of the common techniques I offer in the office include:
- Active Release Techniques
- MyoMatrix Release Techniques
- Instrumented Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (using specialized steel instruments)
- Gua-Sha (Traditional Chinese instrumented tissue technique)
- TheraGun Deep Tissue percussive massage
To find out of Deep Tissue Therapy is right for you, Click Here to contact the office or schedule your first visit online.