The Three Best Exercises to Help Relieve Back Pain

Did you know that nearly 50% of Canadians have experienced low back pain at some point in time? More shockingly, 9 out of 10 working Canadians can expect to experience low back pain during their lifetime. There is a significant burden on our health care system as a result of Canadians requiring medical attention for mechanical low back pain. When experiencing an episode of back pain, you might stop and ask yourself “why me?” or “why did this happen?” Most movement-related low back pain (or mechanical low back pain) is usually the result of a specific movement or movement pattern that has aggravated the low back, resulting in pain and dysfunction.

Besides receiving a clinical diagnosis, a key component to healing your back is to recognize what triggered your pain. By understanding what movement “threw your back out”, both you and your Chiropractor can take the necessary steps to identify the trigger, correct the movement pattern, and heal your back.

Essential Low Back Exercises for Everyone

Exercises that I recommend to my patients will improve your back fitness and help you begin pain-free activities. Exercises do not mean going to the gym for hours on end. These exercises are designed to be performed at home, requiring no equipment and no more than a 20 minute daily commitment. These are the “Big 3” back exercises that are essential for everyone. Whether you are suffering from sudden acute or chronic low back pain, these exercises are non-negotiable and must be performed daily!

What are the Recommended Exercises?

The “Big 3” Exercises are:

1. The Modified Curl-Up
While lying on the floor face-up, slide your hands under your low back at the waist to support your low back. Begin stiffening your abdominal muscles and elevate your torso just enough that your feel your core muscles activated and your elbows “floating” over the floor. Hold the curl-up for 10 seconds.

curl up exercise for low back pain chiropractor vaughan woodbridge

2. The Side Plank

While laying on your side, support place your arm at 90 degrees under the shoulder. Using either your knees or feet to support the lower body, press up through the hips until you are supporting your body with your elbow and knees or feet. Hold the plank for about 10 seconds

side plank for low back pain chiropractor vaughan woodbridge

3. The Bird-Dog

While on all fours, begin to stiffen the core and torso to stabilize the spine. Raise the opposite arm and leg simultaneously. Do not raise the arm higher than the shoulder, or the leg higher than the hips. Hold this posture for 10 seconds.

bird dog exercise for low back pain chiropractor vaughan woodbridge

An effective daily exercise schedule is as follows:

Modified Curl Up:

  • Set 1: 6 repetitions, holding each curl-up for 10 seconds
  • Set 2: 4 repetitions, holding each curl-up for 10 seconds
  • Set 3: 2 repetitions, holding each curl-up for 10 seconds

Side Plank

  • Set 1: 6 repetitions each side (both left and right), holding each side plank for 10 seconds
  • Set 2: 4 repetitions (both left and right), holding each side plank for 10 seconds
  • Set 3: 2 repetitions (both left and right), holding each side plank for 10 seconds


  • Set 1: 6 repetitions each side (both left and right), holding each bird-dog for 10 seconds
  • Set 2: 4 repetitions (both left and right), holding each bird-dog for 10 seconds
  • Set 3: 2 repetitions (both left and right), holding each bird-dog for 10 seconds

You’re probably wondering why each set has fewer reps? By performing these specific exercises for low back pain in a descending pyramid, we reduce the chance of muscle cramps and injury, while still having an effective workout that is designed to target your pain. Over the course of a few weeks, you can begin to add more repetitions to these exercises as your back becomes stronger, feels less pain and you are able to move better. People who experience low back pain may benefit from a trial of chiropractic care before beginning rehabilitative exercises for their low back.

If you have any questions regarding these back exercises, to determine if these are right for you, or would like to schedule an appointment, CLICK HERE to contact us today.